

Photography by Dr. Padval

When Diseases Cause Oral Complications

We have come a long way in the treatment of serious, life-threatening systemic diseases. Part and parcel of healing more aggressive diseases are—more aggressive therapies. And sometimes as a result of forceful care, complications arise that demand attention of their own: oral problems. When an individual is very sick, nutrition becomes more important than ever. Oral problems can interfere with normal function—eating, speaking, swallowing—just when the patient needs it most. Early evaluation by a dentist can help preserve a patient's oral health. So please, [...]

By |2018-04-17T08:00:35-07:00April 17, 2018|Patient Education|

Preventing Cavities in Your Baby’s Teeth

Eating & Drinking Don't let it continue throughout the day. Limit to 4 or 5 periods. This especially includes apple juice, raisins. Residual fruit sugars easily damage baby teeth. Restricting unlimited contact between food and teeth is the most important factor in preventing cavities! Brushing Remember: thorough brushing is more important than frequent brushing. Thorough flossing is just as important. Most kids under 7 are going to need assistance. Regular hygiene is the second most important factor in preventing cavities! Fluoridation Important for teeth [...]

By |2018-04-10T08:00:42-07:00April 10, 2018|Children's Dentistry|

Mystery Pain & Phantom Toothache

There's only one good thing about a visibly damaged tooth: here, clearly, is where the pain's coming from and where our response will be focused. But complaints of "tooth pain" without a clear source or origin—now, that's something else entirely. Say you've been good with your hygiene, faithful in your checkups, and you wake up one morning with a vague pain. You can't see a crack or cavity, but something's just not right, so you schedule an appointment with our team. What gives? A [...]

By |2018-04-03T08:00:54-07:00April 3, 2018|Restorative Dentistry|

The Truth About Smoking

While nobody enjoys getting lectured about a bad habit, it's important to have all the relevant information available to you, especially when it involves health implication. So if you need any extra motivation to help you quit smoking, we'll discuss some of the lesser known problems it can cause. It isn't just your lungs that suffer! Of course, anyone can understand the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, but there are serious oral health implications too. Gum disease significantly increases with smoking, as nicotine [...]

By |2018-03-27T08:00:39-07:00March 27, 2018|Patient Education|

Sterilization In Our Practice

Dentistry, like any other science, has evolved over time. We've come a long way from the old days of "drill and fill" to a new era of sophisticated technology and technique. And along with this growth has come a new understanding of sterilization and infection control. With a variety of serious illnesses that can be cross-communicated, sterilization protocols have been dramatically refined. And for our practice, there is no "enough." For starters, we use physical barriers over every possible surface. We use disposable products [...]

By |2018-03-20T08:00:25-07:00March 20, 2018|Patient Education|

Nighttime Grinding

And the Stress Factor Dentists and researchers aren't completely agreed about the cause of nightly tooth-grinding, or bruxism. But they are aligned on two points: at least partly, it's related to daily stress, and it's happening to more people. It may sound funny, but it's no joke: without food to absorb the impact, teeth can grind by night at ten times the force required to chew a steak, researchers estimate. The result: front teeth can be worn nearly to the gumline while molars can [...]

By |2018-03-13T08:00:35-07:00March 13, 2018|Preventative Dentistry|

Overcome Your Dental Fear

We'd like to offer one comforting and wonderful fact about today's dentistry: it's comfortable, even pleasant. Technology, new procedures, and some very sophisticated approaches to anesthesia have all contributed to painless treatment, from cleaning to cavity preparations to root canal therapy. But what if you didn't grow up with modern dentistry, and remember it differently? If you've had difficult dental experiences, you may be among the 150 million Americans who suffer through treatment, or avoid the dentist altogether. The fact is, about 80% of [...]

By |2018-03-06T08:00:34-08:00March 6, 2018|Patient Education|

Don’t Forget Your Calcium

Since childhood we've been told we need calcium to build strong teeth and bones. But the fact is we never outgrow our need for this important mineral. Why...? Osteoporosis and loss of bone around the teeth can result when we don't consume enough calcium Authorities say that to reduce the risk of weak, brittle bones later in life, you need a daily intake of 800 mg (men) or 1000-1500 mg (women). Rapid growth during adolescence and the demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding create even [...]

By |2018-02-27T08:00:23-08:00February 27, 2018|Patient Education|

Periodontal Disease Q&A

Answers to your most frequently asked questions about gum disease. Q: Why is gum disease so terrible if it doesn't hurt? Periodontal disease is a progressive one—meaning if it doesn't stabilize or show signs of healing, it's bound to get worse. Even when it doesn't hurt, untreated gum disease will eventually take its toll: tooth loss. But there is a bright side. Every day, we're finding new ways to approach therapy. Since we can treat every stage of the disease, our practice has helped [...]

By |2018-02-20T08:00:21-08:00February 20, 2018|Periodontal Dentistry|

Older and Healthy…a Natural Match

The words "aging" and "healthy" don't have to be either/or propositions. Fact is, in some ways we grow healthier as we age. We've built up so many antibodies that our resistance to virus increases. Years of brushing with fluoride toothpaste actually strengthens tooth enamel. A little effort on your part now can help insure you'll feel as good as you'll look—years from now. As mouths age, the potential of periodontal disease is ever present. So brushing and flossing become more important than ever—along with [...]

By |2018-02-13T08:00:16-08:00February 13, 2018|Restorative Dentistry|