

Photography by Dr. Padval

Asthma Alert

Beware of the oral complications of this respiratory disease In years past, asthma attacks could be unpredictable and difficult to control. Today, medications have been developed to control attacks—in some cases preventing them from occurring at all. If you—or a member of your family—still suffer the attacks, check with your physician about new treatment methods. Although we may not know its exact cause, most people are familiar with asthma, the chronic lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Asthma may be triggered by allergens such [...]

By |2018-01-16T08:00:42-08:00January 16, 2018|Patient Education|

Sounding Off About Snoring!

Do you snore, and has your partner compared it to the sound of a giant band saw slowly slicing through the house? Ever wake up groggy and grumpy after a "full night's sleep?" If the answers are "Yes" and "Yes," you could be suffering from sleep apnea, a not-so-funny condition in which sleepers actually stop breathing for brief periods overnight. For most of us, snoring can be reduced or eliminated by wearing a simple oral appliance at night. It enlarges the airway by positioning [...]

By |2018-01-09T08:00:07-08:00January 9, 2018|Patient Education|

Resolutions for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Here's to Health in 2018! We care about you as patients and as friends too! As we all try to get healthier in the New Year, here are some common resolutions that can improve dental and overall health. Make the New Year tobacco-free! Do whatever you need to quit smoking—seek out a program, a patch, a support group. Half a million North Americans die annually from disease caused by cigarette smoking. It doesn't have to be! Check your blood pressure and cholesterol. See a [...]

By |2018-01-02T08:00:16-08:00January 2, 2018|Patient Education|

X-rays From Our Perspective

X-rays are critical to the practice of dentistry. And the benefits are profound. But dentists are sometimes guilty of dismissing patient concerns, as in, "Don't worry, you'll be fine." We do believe the judicious use of X-rays is in our patients' best interests. But patients deserve to know why. Radiography begins Wilhelm Roentgen, fiddling around with electricity and photographic plates one day in 1895, found a wave that could photograph the invisible. When he realized he was seeing the bone inside his arm, he [...]

By |2017-12-26T00:00:54-08:00December 26, 2017|Preventative Dentistry|

Frank Talk About Bad Breath

Social embarrassments come in many sizes. But chronic bad breath is near the top of the list. It affects those nearest and dearest to us and may limit the close social contacts we treasure most. Worse yet, a person with bad breath may be unaware he's offensive—we "turn off" our sensitivity to bad odors over time. Bacteria, plain and simple, are the culprit. Bacteria do their work in the mouth, lungs, sinuses and stomach. All the store-bought fresheners on the market won't remedy the cause. [...]

By |2017-12-19T00:00:46-08:00December 19, 2017|Restorative Dentistry|

Expiring Dental Insurance Benefits?

Use Them or Lose Them! What if someone gave you free money to spend on improving your smile? With one string attached: use it all by New Years', or lose it. Well, for those fortunate enough to have insurance, be sure to take advantage of your plan's benefits before they expire at the end of the year. Most dental insurance policies have a dollar limit to the amount of treatment provided over the calendar year. Benefit money not used by December 31 is NOT [...]

By |2017-12-12T00:00:03-08:00December 12, 2017|Patient Education|

Fluoride, the Story

Sifting Fact From Belief Dental researchers call it The Fluoride Story—the most dramatic turn-around of a population’s dental health in history. So far. The Fluoride Story began as one of many smaller, ongoing stories. And we have research to thank. In university laboratories in the US and Canada, in dental products labs, in national science centers—the research goes on. It seems far from an everyday visit to the dentist. There is an air of mystery to the research process itself. What motivates the people [...]

By |2017-12-05T00:00:34-08:00December 5, 2017|Preventative Dentistry|

The Perils of a Bad Bite

No, we're not talking about being attacked by a junkyard dog. That's perilous enough. The bite in question here is your own bite—the way your lower teeth and your upper teeth come together. A bad bite can be responsible for several woes you might not necessarily connect, like headaches, unsightly teeth and TMJ disorder. Let's take TMJ first. That's short for temporomandibular joint—the hinge that connects your jaw to your skull. It's stressed every day, just like your knee joint. When you eat, your [...]

By |2017-11-28T00:00:23-08:00November 28, 2017|Preventative Dentistry|

Hormones and Periodontal Disease

Women of all ages are prone to changing levels of progesterone in the body. And progesterone—especially when you are pregnant or taking oral contraceptives—causes some bacteria to grow in awesome numbers. Unfortunately, the bacteria associated with gum disease are among them. Are you taking progesterone medication? Tell us if these ring a bell: Provera, Amen, Cycrin, Norlutate, Norinyl, Otho-Novum, Ovral, Triphasil—among many others. In the face of such drugs, an existing periodontal problem may worsen, or the disease can develop suddenly in apparently healthy [...]

By |2017-11-21T00:00:53-08:00November 21, 2017|Patient Education|

Don’t Hide That Smile

Are stained, chipped, or crooked teeth cramping your smile? Years Ago, the only solution for unattractive teeth was disguising them with crowns. Today, we've got better options in porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, and teeth whitening. Take porcelain veneers for example, thanks to recent improvements in dental materials and technology, these "instant orthodontics" are easy, painless, and affordable. And you won't believe how great they look! No clunky, chunky shoeboxes, today's veneers are ultra-thin and very light. They're bonded just to the front of each [...]

By |2017-11-14T00:00:57-08:00November 14, 2017|Cosmetic Dentistry|