

Photography by Dr. Padval

Can a Musical Instrument Affect Teeth?

Ever think of asking your dentist which musical instrument you should play? Few people do. But especially for young people, an early dental analysis–before selecting a musical instrument–can be important. Surprisingly, some instruments–woodwind or brass–can actually help some children who have an overbite problem. Yet, the same instrument can make the problem worse in another child. Each case must be judged individually. Consider Michael who wants to play a saxophone in the school band. His parents think it's time for braces, but Michael wonders [...]

By |2017-08-15T00:00:07-07:00August 15, 2017|Children's Dentistry|

The Most Common Affliction?

When it comes to most common, not even winter colds strike as many of us as gum infection (periodontal disease). As many as 75% of adults will be a victim sometime in their lifetime. If this infection could grow on your arm, you'd be horrified. Instead, periodontal disease does its dirty work out of sight: inside your mouth. Left alone, it opens up gaps between gums and teeth. Too soon, you're on your way to losing your teeth entirely. How can I stop gum [...]

By |2017-08-08T00:00:13-07:00August 8, 2017|Periodontal Dentistry|

Dental Tips for Caregivers

If you're one of the millions of caregivers of an elderly patient who perhaps suffers from dementia or Alzheimer's disease, then you probably maintain a checklist of the many daily tasks necessary to care for them. When making your list, don't forget to include dental health as part of your routine. How Caregivers Can Help For as long as possible, encourage the patient to care for him/herself. It's a dignity issue. When you must step in, physically demonstrate brushing and flossing, and the patient may [...]

By |2017-08-01T00:00:28-07:00August 1, 2017|Patient Education|

Are First Teeth Just Born to Lose?

Kids' teeth—paying special attention to them lays a firm foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. They're milestones in your child's development, those first teeth. You mark the date in the baby book when the first baby tooth works its way through the gum. You record the day when that first loose tooth lets go, leaving an oh-so-cute gap in the grin and a bit of cash beneath the pillow. But you can't ignore the care of baby teeth on the grounds that when [...]

By |2017-07-25T00:00:22-07:00July 25, 2017|Children's Dentistry|

Making Sure Dentures Will Look Natural

Have you ever looked at swatches of wallpaper or carpeting and tried to imagine how it might look in your living room? Not easy to do. Choosing a denture that fits your face—and looks and feels natural—poses a similar problem. You never really know how they're going to look and feel until you get to wear and chew with them. Our customized denture technique begins with a special treatment denture that you actually wear with the same teeth that will be placed in your [...]

By |2017-07-18T00:00:34-07:00July 18, 2017|Restorative Dentistry|

Vending Machines: Cavity Dispensers

Vending machines put out all kinds of stuff. But vending machines at work or school can dispense cavities right along with the candy and soda pop that we love so much in afternoon pick-me-ups. So-called soft drinks don't do teeth any favors. Not even diet soda. That's because sugar isn't the real culprit. It's carbonic acid—the stuff that gives soft drinks their fizzy bubbles can be deadly to tooth enamel. A sugary uncarbonated drink like Kool-Aid is actually easier on teeth than, say, Diet [...]

By |2017-07-11T00:00:33-07:00July 11, 2017|Patient Education|

Help for Dry Mouth Sufferers

Does your mouth seem uncomfortably dry? Or have you actually been diagnosed with dry mouth (as a side effect of certain types of medication or radiation therapy for cancer)? Either way, here's what you need to know about your condition: A dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, it's a cavity-prone environment. Normal saliva flow is the body's natural way of flushing plaque between brushings. Dry mouth can result from normal aging, some medications, or simply dehydration. All our patients should be drinking at least [...]

By |2017-07-04T00:00:37-07:00July 4, 2017|Restorative Dentistry|

What You and Your Mouth Need to Know About Cancer

Early Detection Remains Key Just as in any good crime show, the sooner the heroes discover the problem and get to work solving it, the better the outcome. Looking inside your mouth provides us a unique opportunity to detect other potential health problems, particularly the signs of oral cancer. Did you know that you get what amounts to a mini-cancer screening with every routine dental examination? And we continue to evaluate new screening products as they appear on the market. For most of our [...]

By |2017-06-27T00:00:33-07:00June 27, 2017|Patient Education|

Dental Choices Are Up to You!

Dental care has progressed to where we can now offer you a veritable smorgasbord of choices, a buffet of beautiful smiles. New materials and techniques allow us to treat your teeth more conservatively than ever, and decades of research have gone into developing materials—ceramics, polymer compounds, resin compounds and more—to repair worn, damaged or missing teeth. Unlike your father's dentist, we now have several effective ways to treat a toothache. The same is true of cosmetic issues like whitening and straightening and health problems [...]

By |2017-06-20T00:00:07-07:00June 20, 2017|Patient Education|

Even When Tiny… Tooth Cracks Need Attention

Every tooth fracture needs prompt treatment. No chip or crack is insignificant. Unfortunately, some cracks are too small to be seen, even by a trained eye. Sometimes the culprit is a hairline crack in what looks like a healthy tooth. You may not be aware of the damage until pain fills your mouth. You may not even be sure which tooth is causing you trouble. Chips and cracks cannot be safely ignored. Untreated, tooth fractures grow larger and longer, inviting bacteria and tooth decay. [...]

By |2017-06-13T00:00:42-07:00June 13, 2017|Restorative Dentistry|