

Photography by Dr. Padval

A Bright, Healthy Smile

With Simple Cosmetic Dentistry in Sacramento A bright smile is your most appealing and expressive feature. It projects a positive attitude and high self-esteem—which translates into success in school, business, and your personal life. The face is the most critical and integral aspect of your body image. Not surprisingly, the teeth are important in composing that image. Apart from the complex physical composition of the smile, the psychological value of a bright smile cannot be ignored. A person with a poor smile may suffer [...]

By |2016-03-15T00:00:51-07:00March 15, 2016|Cosmetic Dentistry|

What Causes a Toothache, Besides Cavities

"My tooth hurts. It must have a cavity." Well, maybe it does. However, other conditions can cause a tooth to be sensitive to hot or cold foods, to the pressure of chewing... or to just plain ache. A few of these other toothache possibilities are: Shrinkage of the gum down below the top part of the tooth (crown) onto the tooth surface. This part of the tooth (cementum) is as sensitive to hot and cold as the part of the tooth (dentin) affected by [...]

By |2016-03-08T00:00:25-08:00March 8, 2016|Restorative Dentistry|

Regular Check-Ups

Come on in for a check-up, we’re happy to see you again! We enjoy catching up with the news in your life—and we pride ourselves on providing you that "stitch in time" that can prevent trouble. If a problem is developing in your mouth, we like to catch it while it's small. It's not just tooth decay, although that's where we look first. Then we'll check for early signs of gum disease, now linked to some serious—even fatal —diseases. Most of you have been [...]

By |2016-03-01T00:00:38-08:00March 1, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Fear…It’s All in Your Head

Fear is a learned response, and what can be learned can also be unlearned. We still have a lot to learn about fear, but certain things we do know. Dental fear, for example, is often the result of vicarious learning. Take you, for instance. Even though you've never had a tooth removed, you've maybe heard some pretty scary stuff about extractions, and the result is that the whole idea makes you nervous. That's vicarious learning. Vicarious wrong learning, too, since having a tooth out [...]

By |2016-02-23T00:00:49-08:00February 23, 2016|Patient Education|

The Deal with Dentures

Dentures are one of those subjects where so much information is passed around and so little is really understood. Popular wisdom has it that only the first set of dentures fit properly. That’s only partially true. They tend to feel best because the gum ridges have not yet receded. But we can now re-fit new dentures that look and feel just as good as the original. Denture fit depends largely on the health of the gums. That’s why we recommend you see us at [...]

By |2016-02-16T00:00:56-08:00February 16, 2016|Restorative Dentistry|

3 Tips to Protect Your Teeth

Tips on teeth you may not know! Think Calcium! You've heard it before: calcium does a body good. You probably didn't know that much of that good goes straight to the mouth. It’s essential for tooth and bone development. A calcium-deficient diet means less jawbone mass—which can lead to painful fractures and permanent tooth loss. Dairy products, tofu, and green, leafy vegetables are great sources of calcium. Tastes great! Less fillings! Guess what? Kids who chew gum have fewer cavities. It’s true! Studies show that [...]

By |2016-02-09T00:00:15-08:00February 9, 2016|Patient Education|

Caring for a Dental Bridge

If you have had one or more missing teeth replaced with a dental bridge restoration (also sometimes called a fixed partial denture), then be sure to keep up the good work by properly caring for it. Just following these helpful tips will have you well on your way to a strong and healthy bridge for year to come. Some reminders on maintaining your dental bridge: Maintain healthy neighboring teeth by brushing and flossing regularly. Plaque can accumulate under, around, and between your bridge and [...]

By |2016-02-02T00:00:20-08:00February 2, 2016|Restorative Dentistry|

Got Fluoride?

As we age, wrinkles and graying hair become evident. For adults, there’s no reversing the aging process. But happily, a lifetime of fluoride use can help reverse the demineralizing process! Bacterial plaque continually forms on teeth, producing acids that initiate the process of decay. That’s DE-mineralization. Fluoride helps add back calcium and phosphate. That’s RE-mineralization. Keep your fluoridation levels up! If you’re an adult, you should make a topical fluoride treatment part of your regular hygiene appointment. Don’t forget to request it the next [...]

By |2016-01-26T00:00:58-08:00January 26, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Have you ever smiled in the mirror…

And wondered, what if... What if your teeth were less prominent, or just a bit more even, or maybe that missing chip was back in its place? Cosmetic dentistry isn't “just for movie stars” or “just for women.” Typically it’s very conservative treatment that returns huge dividends in personal self-confidence. Today we have new materials and techniques that can put a super smile within everyone’s reach. For example, porcelain onlays and inlays can return structural integrity to damaged teeth, while leaving them looking as [...]

By |2016-01-19T00:00:20-08:00January 19, 2016|Cosmetic Dentistry|

Too Much of a Good Thing

You can overdo anything. Even brushing your teeth. Take a stiff-bristled brush. Scrub back and forth compulsively for five minutes, as though you were trying to get tar off the sidewalk. It’s possible you’ll end up with “toothbrush abrasion.” According to the ADA (American Dental Association), the condition is associated with factors beyond brushing: a mouth used to lots of acidic foods, citrus fruit drinks, carbonated beverages. We recommend gentle brushing, plus a toothbrush with soft, polished bristles.

By |2016-01-12T00:00:38-08:00January 12, 2016|Patient Education|