
Preventative Dentistry

Photography by Dr. Padval

Tongue Tales

Traditionally, doctors and dentists have depended on the tongue to help them diagnose various diseases. And tongues do have a lot to say. For example, scarlet fever is accompanied by a spotted "strawberry" tongue. Burning tongue, a very painful condition, affects primarily post-menopausal women and can reflect systemic problems. Hairy leukoplakia is a common AIDS-related oral lesion. And candidiasis, a fungus infection which coats the tongue white, also says something is wrong. Now you know why, when you're asked to stick out your tongue [...]

By |2016-10-25T00:00:36-07:00October 25, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Prevention is Your Best Protection

If you're like the rest of us, now that belt-tightening is the "new normal," you may already be eating more meals at home, dropping subscriptions, vacationing closer to home. You may also be tempted to cut back on your dental care. But think it over. If a problem has surfaced with your oral health, nipping it in the bud is a big money saver. Letting it go can mean big, costly—and sometimes painful—treatment down the line. You're smarter than that. During your appointment, we'll [...]

By |2016-10-11T00:00:39-07:00October 11, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Fluoride, it’s for Life

If your goal is healthy teeth for life, then you need fluoride. It ensures newly formed teeth are strong; prevents plaque, caries, and gum disease; and protects roots that get exposed as gums recede over time. This essential mineral is present in what we eat and drink, but a healthy diet doesn't supply enough for a gleaming smile. Instead, it's important to apply it topically and drink fluoride-rich water. In toothpaste, it boosts the cavity resistance of existing teeth. Systemic fluoride, in water, creates healthy tooth structure [...]

By |2016-07-19T00:00:06-07:00July 19, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Tongue Brushing

An Old Habit Seems New Here's an idea that may be new to you. Did you ever think of brushing your tongue? Actually, tongue-brushing is an ancient practice. Our ancestors considered it part of their daily hygiene. Yet many people today aren't aware that their tongue needs brushing as much as their teeth do. In fact, it may be the dirtiest part of the mouth! Thousands of bacteria breed on the many tiny papillae (small bulges) of the tongue. And if they aren't brushed [...]

By |2016-05-17T00:00:13-07:00May 17, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Regular Check-Ups

Come on in for a check-up, we’re happy to see you again! We enjoy catching up with the news in your life—and we pride ourselves on providing you that "stitch in time" that can prevent trouble. If a problem is developing in your mouth, we like to catch it while it's small. It's not just tooth decay, although that's where we look first. Then we'll check for early signs of gum disease, now linked to some serious—even fatal —diseases. Most of you have been [...]

By |2016-03-01T00:00:38-08:00March 1, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Got Fluoride?

As we age, wrinkles and graying hair become evident. For adults, there’s no reversing the aging process. But happily, a lifetime of fluoride use can help reverse the demineralizing process! Bacterial plaque continually forms on teeth, producing acids that initiate the process of decay. That’s DE-mineralization. Fluoride helps add back calcium and phosphate. That’s RE-mineralization. Keep your fluoridation levels up! If you’re an adult, you should make a topical fluoride treatment part of your regular hygiene appointment. Don’t forget to request it the next [...]

By |2016-01-26T00:00:58-08:00January 26, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|

Simple Dental Resolutions in 2016

A new year, a blank page. For most, it's the perfect opportunity to make Resolutions. Nobody ever resolves "to feel guilty after failing to keep resolutions." Yet that's the one we actually keep! How to avoid making this resolution business an empty self-promise? How about narrowing it to just one? Make it something you CAN achieve and, most importantly, WANT to achieve. Psychological researchers find resolutions pan out when motivation comes from within instead of without ("my spouse wants me to lose weight"). Then [...]

By |2016-01-05T00:00:21-08:00January 5, 2016|Preventative Dentistry|