
bone loss

Photography by Dr. Padval

How Old Is Your Smile?

The concept of dental age is surprising to people when they first ear it. Dental age is independent of chronological age. From a biological stand point, we are youthful until we reach maturity around thirty, we are adults from thirty to sixty years, and elder from sixty on. From a dental stand point, we are youthful at any age as long as we have close to a full compliment of teeth or its equivalent and the supporting tissues are in good health. An adult [...]

By |2024-09-02T14:49:13-07:00August 20, 2024|Patient Education|

Osteoporosis: The Calcium Connection

Osteoporosis—porous bones—is a fragile, frightening reality for at least 15 million North Americans. What begins as a slow and initially painless decrease in bone mass eventually leaves bones weakened and susceptible to fracture. It turns strong backs into weak; healthy strides into shuffles. From a dental viewpoint, the disease is evident in loss of tooth strength and jaw erosion. Osteoporosis, most common in middle-aged women and the elderly, is particularly insidious in that it is rarely diagnosed until the damage is done. Evidence suggests [...]

By |2024-09-02T14:41:11-07:00April 23, 2024|Patient Education|