

Photography by Dr. Padval

Sunshine For Healthy Teeth and Bones

We don’t hear a lot about vitamin D. It’s crucial for healthy teeth and bones because it helps you absorb calcium. And the easiest way to get your minimum daily requirement is—take a walk in the sun! Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because natural sunlight converts a chemical in your skin into a usable form of vitamin D. Experts at the Mayo Clinic write that, for most people, as little as 10 to 15 minutes of natural sunshine three times a week [...]

By |2024-09-02T14:42:10-07:00May 14, 2024|Patient Education|

Medicine & Your Mouth

The medicine you take for one physical disorder may literally rot your teeth. This is one of many reasons we need to know your medical history and current treatment. For instance... Chewable vitamin C supplements are a good idea for a lot of people, but check your brand for sugar content. For children especially, a liquid form does less damage to tooth enamel, and natural sources of the vitamin—oranges, green vegetables—are even better. Calcium channel blockers (Procardia, Cardizem, Adalat) cause swelling of the gums in [...]

By |2024-09-02T14:41:45-07:00May 7, 2024|Patient Education|

Osteoporosis: The Calcium Connection

Osteoporosis—porous bones—is a fragile, frightening reality for at least 15 million North Americans. What begins as a slow and initially painless decrease in bone mass eventually leaves bones weakened and susceptible to fracture. It turns strong backs into weak; healthy strides into shuffles. From a dental viewpoint, the disease is evident in loss of tooth strength and jaw erosion. Osteoporosis, most common in middle-aged women and the elderly, is particularly insidious in that it is rarely diagnosed until the damage is done. Evidence suggests [...]

By |2024-09-02T14:41:11-07:00April 23, 2024|Patient Education|

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

What Causes "Baby Bottle Tooth Decay?" Being mammals, human babies drink milk. It provides all the nutrients they need to grow and thrive. However, as children get older and their primary baby teeth begin to emerge, drinking milk can pose the risk of cavities and "baby bottle tooth decay." In general, milk is very healthy for teeth. It provides the body with calcium, a nutrient essential for the proper development of teeth and bones. And, while not naturally occurring in milk, Vitamin D is [...]

By |2022-11-15T08:00:43-08:00November 15, 2022|Children's Dentistry|

Vitamin D: Get Your Shine On!

Vitamin D Is Easy To Come By So, for healthy teeth and bones, make sure to get enough. Vitamin D is one of the vital nutrients for everyone's health, but especially for that of growing children. Combined with calcium, it plays a crucial role in developing healthy teeth and bones. It aids the body's absorption of calcium in the gut, thereby reinforcing the critical structure of teeth and bones. Where can you get Vitamin D? From Food Many people get the majority of Vitamin [...]

By |2021-09-14T08:00:23-07:00September 14, 2021|Nutrition|

Calcium is Crucial

For Healthy Teeth and Bones Calcium is especially important for children and new mothers. Dentally speaking, calcium is one of the essential nutrients. When we eat food that's high in calcium, it benefits both teeth and bones. It makes sure children's teeth develop correctly, and ensures that new mothers have enough nourishment for their babies during breastfeeding. Even for older women, it helps prevent the onset of osteoporosis, a disease that weakens the bones. What foods contain calcium? Luckily, calcium is present in many [...]

By |2021-06-08T08:00:41-07:00June 8, 2021|Nutrition|

Food for Healthy Teeth

Food and Drinks that Are Good For Teeth Nutrition from food is an essential part of oral health! As the old saying goes, "You are what you eat." The nutrition we obtain from food and drink significantly contributes to our health, and that includes your teeth as well. Some food can increase the risk for cavities and tooth decay, while others provide benefits as a source for critical nutrients. Here are the best food and drinks for healthy teeth. Nuts Nuts are full of [...]

By |2021-03-09T08:00:01-08:00March 9, 2021|Nutrition|

A Healthy Dose of Sun

For Natural Vitamin D We all know that overexposure to the sun can cause harm. Sunburns are painful, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a contributing risk factor for skin cancer. But it's not all bad. The sun's energy is critical for life on Earth, and indeed, moderate exposure can play a positive role in our individual health as well. Exposure to UV-B radiation (highest during the midday sun) stimulates skin cells to produces vitamin D. This, in turn, helps the body absorb the important [...]

By |2020-02-04T08:00:57-08:00February 4, 2020|Nutrition|

Bone Up on Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, the loss of bone mass as we age, could affect half of all Americans over 50 by 2020. It is defined as bone loss of about 25 percent, which results in fragile bones that fracture easily. Its reputation as an old person's disease stems from the fact that bone loss doesn't hurt and osteoporosis victims can go years without a clue they are susceptible to the condition. You can guard against bone loss even if factors outside your control put you in one [...]

By |2018-08-14T00:00:53-07:00August 14, 2018|Patient Education|

A Few Tips on Nutrition

Get Your Vitamins! Vitamin C is an extremely important in dentistry (and nutrition in general) because of how it helps control periodontal disease and other problems in the mouth. For one thing, Vitamin C—ascorbic acid—seems to help calcium do its job of halting the loss of bone. Animal studies at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine have shown that Vitamin C can inhibit bone shrinkage by 50% or more. But Vitamin C does a lot more than that! It's essential to construct the protein [...]

By |2018-07-24T00:00:40-07:00July 24, 2018|Nutrition|