

Photography by Dr. Padval


Train that Tongue Without therapy, the wrong oral habits, sooner or later, will cause tooth movement, breathing and speech problems You'd think swallowing is easy as falling off a log. But some of us need help retraining muscles that we've been using wrong all along. A "bad" swallow is just the luck of the draw, usually caused by unbalanced facial muscles or enlarged tonsils. When you swallow normally (and we do it about 2,000 times a day), the tip of the tongue is against [...]

By |2017-04-11T00:00:14-07:00April 11, 2017|Patient Education|

What Causes a Toothache, Besides Cavities

"My tooth hurts. It must have a cavity." Well, maybe it does. However, other conditions can cause a tooth to be sensitive to hot or cold foods, to the pressure of chewing... or to just plain ache. A few of these other toothache possibilities are: Shrinkage of the gum down below the top part of the tooth (crown) onto the tooth surface. This part of the tooth (cementum) is as sensitive to hot and cold as the part of the tooth (dentin) affected by [...]

By |2016-03-08T00:00:25-08:00March 8, 2016|Restorative Dentistry|