
oral cancer

Photography by Dr. Padval

The Truth About Smoking

While nobody enjoys getting lectured about a bad habit, it's important to have all the relevant information available to you, especially when it involves health implication. So if you need any extra motivation to help you quit smoking, we'll discuss some of the lesser known problems it can cause. It isn't just your lungs that suffer! Of course, anyone can understand the relationship between smoking and lung cancer, but there are serious oral health implications too. Gum disease significantly increases with smoking, as nicotine [...]

By |2018-03-27T08:00:39-07:00March 27, 2018|Patient Education|

What You and Your Mouth Need to Know About Cancer

Early Detection Remains Key Just as in any good crime show, the sooner the heroes discover the problem and get to work solving it, the better the outcome. Looking inside your mouth provides us a unique opportunity to detect other potential health problems, particularly the signs of oral cancer. Did you know that you get what amounts to a mini-cancer screening with every routine dental examination? And we continue to evaluate new screening products as they appear on the market. For most of our [...]

By |2017-06-27T00:00:33-07:00June 27, 2017|Patient Education|