
rheumatoid arthritis

Photography by Dr. Padval

Soothe Your Joints…

Love Your Gums! Treating gum disease can actually reduce the severity of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Arthritis sufferers may soon be jumping for joy. Yes—in case you needed another reason to nip gum disease in the bud, researchers are demonstrating a link between periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The good news is, treating gum disease can go beyond creating a healthy foundation for your teeth and actually reduce the severity of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. It makes sense. In both diseases, unchecked inflammation eats away at [...]

By |2024-09-03T09:58:50-07:00October 8, 2024|Periodontal Dentistry|

When Diseases Cause Oral Complications

We have come a long way in the treatment of serious, life-threatening systemic diseases. Part and parcel of healing more aggressive diseases are—more aggressive therapies. And sometimes as a result of forceful care, complications arise that demand attention of their own: oral problems. When an individual is very sick, nutrition becomes more important than ever. Oral problems can interfere with normal function—eating, speaking, swallowing—just when the patient needs it most. Early evaluation by a dentist can help preserve a patient's oral health. So please, [...]

By |2018-04-17T08:00:35-07:00April 17, 2018|Patient Education|